Hace cosa de una semana una chica de mi instituto llamada Madison se quitó la vida, Madison se sentaba al lado mío en clase de Sociología el primer semestre y no era la clase de persona que yo vería cometiendo tal acto. Ella era inteligente, culta, extrovertida, guapa; pero lo más importante ella era leal a sus principios y una gran feminista en contra de las armas. Con la muerte de Madison se hacía un recuento de tres alumnos del instituto que habían cometido suicidio, uno de ellos este mismo año. No puedo explicar con palabras exactas como esto me rompió el corazón en pedazos y empece a preguntarme a mí misma si la vida tenía sentido después de que alguien como Madison se hubiese retirado voluntariamente de ella.
Este año he aprendido mucho, sobre mí misma y sobre los demás, pero nunca he sabido curarme de la indiferencia de la gente. Una semana después de la muerte de Madi, la gente actúa igual, incluso sus amigos más cercanos no parecen dolidos. Parece como si Madison en vez de estar muerta se hubiese mudado, y no es así, ya me gustaría que así fuera.
Después de que yo me sintiese tan dolida, alguien anónimamente puso en marcha una cuenta de instagram, y esta cuenta me ha dado esperanza. Una cuenta donde cualquiera del instituto puede hablar de cómo se siente, en la que pueden pedir ayuda y en la que se hace memoria por aquellos que ya no están a nuestro lado. Es muy difícil pensar que alguien a quien tenías todos los días a tu lado ya nunca más estará entre nosotros, es muy difícil recuperarse de eso, pero mas difícil será recuperarse de haber perdido a una hija, una hermana o a una amiga.
Chicos y chicas, si alguien de ahí me lee, el suicidio no es una broma, no es una forma de vengarse o de llamar la atención, ni tampoco es una salida a tus problemas. El suicidio deja huella en todos aquellos que te rodean y marca al resto de tus seres queridos de por vida. Si realmente te sientes triste, por favor busca ayuda y no te rindas si no la encuentras a la primera, busca ayuda, busca a alguien que te escuche, que te pueda asesorar; pero por favor no te rindas. La vida es muy larga y tienes múltiples oportunidades de fallar y cometer errores al igual que poder arrepentirte. No sería sincera si no dijera que más de una vez he querido tirar la toalla con todo, pero no os imagináis lo agradecida que estoy de no haberlo hecho. He viajado por mí misma, conocido a amigos increíbles, tenido aventuras y todo ello lo he hecho gracias a estar viva. Porque la vida es un regalo, realmente lo es, al igual que tú ahora vives a alguien que esta luchando por hacerlo de la misma manera.
Por favor si estás pasando por un mal momento, no recurras a algo así, piensa detenidamente, duerme (esto me ha ayudado un montón de veces), medita, habla con alguien a quien quieras; pero nunca renuncies a tu vida. Si estás aquí es por algo, y por muchas personas que seamos en el mundo, todos estamos aquí por algo.
Si alguien necesita alguna vez hablar conmigo, estaré encantada de escucharos: lolagarciagaitan@gmail.com
Por favor, vive, la vida es bonita y tú eres parte de ella.
jueves, 26 de abril de 2018
lunes, 23 de abril de 2018
why death hurts so bad
the reasons why death hurts so much
is because you are not gonna see that person again in your life.
it hurts, it hurts deeply inside
when you try to picture that smile again,
in real life.
when someone takes her life,
is like the world starts over,
the time have stopped for a while
and fast come back
without giving a break.
People act the same,
classes are going through,
almost summer,
you could have wait
to live the summer,
change your mind,
this is a big topic,
big issue,
why to do it fast.
You inspired me in some way,
that way of talking,
that cute style of dressing,
you were the kind of women the world needs nowadays
and it hurts me you are not going to be here again.
It is spring,
my favorite season,
never imagine living this.
I just want it to say,
however do you feel,
there is always second chance in life,
or third or fifth,
always another chance.
Find a shoulder to cuddle with,
and talk, always talk,
find ears to hear your problems,
i know there is always someone to trust,
to ask for help,
ask for help,
and ask again
every time you need,
because you deserve to live,
to fight for your life,
for you and for others.
i knew you could have been a great person,
well, you actually seemed to be one,
but a lot of people lost the chance to see it,
because you left.
viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018
Que poco me cuesta enamorarme.
Que poco me cuesta ponerme el maquillaje y soltarme el pelo en las pista de baile para que tú me busques.
Sonará típico, común
el sentir de que la pista de la discoteca en un sueño y volar en ella también.
No tengo para que me agarres, yo me suelto y bailo,
que fácil sonaba enamorarse cuando tú no eras la bala ni yo el objetivo.
Quiero que me cojas y bailemos más, aunque parezca mentira, que bailemos y luego ya veremos si te mereces ese beso, ya veremos.
Que poco me cuesta ponerme el maquillaje y soltarme el pelo en las pista de baile para que tú me busques.
Sonará típico, común
el sentir de que la pista de la discoteca en un sueño y volar en ella también.
No tengo para que me agarres, yo me suelto y bailo,
que fácil sonaba enamorarse cuando tú no eras la bala ni yo el objetivo.
Quiero que me cojas y bailemos más, aunque parezca mentira, que bailemos y luego ya veremos si te mereces ese beso, ya veremos.
jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018
Ser buena persona
Este es mi siguiente paso para cultivarme, he llegado a darme cuenta de algo y es que todo lo malo que me pasa o todos los problemas que me acechan a la esquina siento que van directos a mí sin razón, me tumbo y me pregunto porque son así. Me molesta, me asusta. Creo que a veces creo que el mundo se pone de acuerdo para hacerme daño, para que las cosas vayan al revés; pero los problemas son cosas del día a día, son parte de todo ser humano y hay que ser fuerte para poder superarlos. Quiero llamarme Lola y ser feliz, pero para eso tengo que aceptar que los problemas los tienen todo el mundo y que ayudar a los demás e intentar ser mejor persona va a ser lo mejor al final del día.
El primer paso fue completado, así que ahora nos ponemos en marcha con el segundo.
El primer paso fue completado, así que ahora nos ponemos en marcha con el segundo.
martes, 20 de febrero de 2018
Ser feliz en pocos pasos: mi pelo
Ventajas de tener el pelo corto
-Reduces el consumo excesivo de agua, ayudando así al medio ambiente
y conservando los océanos.
-Reducción de la factura de agua de tus padres o de con quien estés viviendo.
-Cuidar la garganta de tu padre y así evitando que grite para que salgas de la ducha cuando todavía
no te has enjuagado ni el primer jabón.
-Se te caerá mucho menos el pelo y vivirás un vida más feliz.
-Evitarás esas coletas que te dejan sin respiración y con agujetas en el cuero cabelludo.
-Menos trenzas y más rizo libre.
-Libertad al tocarte el cuelo y acariciar tus rizos traseros que son los más divertidos.
-El gusto de lavarte el pelo en la ducha y no tardar casi nada.
-Que todos sean majos y amables o que se sorprendan y se den la vuelta al día después de cortártelo, eso no tiene precio de verdad.
sábado, 6 de enero de 2018
I seriously can't lie if someone suggest me these months haven't mean anything at all, I"ll only just need to show some of the pictures that I have taken and every doubt would be solved. Being in an exchange doesn't mean having the perfect american life, try to pretend everything you see is good, I guess if I don't feel that way, I don't consider myself as a exchange student neither, maybe as a traveller or as a learner I guess. You asked me at the end of the year what I learnt, I guess how you ended the year is how you feel about the rest, but I guess is not how I feel neither. This year I learnt to have good times with my friends and not be worried about stupid things, to get the chance to be happy is something I can do everytime and to trust myself, even if I dont like it, just trust it. I also learnt how it means to have your friends far away and how incredible was each one because almost everye loved to talk with me.
One day, not so long away, Sydney told me you were going to move, I told her I already know and she answered me "that means we have to count each moment". That phrase was in my mind and has been for the past few months, I really love how kids have the truth in their minds and how almost everytime we don't let them say it out loud. I really aprecciate your company during these months, you have the best host family I could ever asked for, you taugh me some kind of things you cannot learnt when you want, I learnt how having a family sometimes means just to be toguether for each one, how coming from school and having someone that talks you is pretty important, I hope you would never changed these things. Truman, my angry boy that keeps a big smile behind (I have photos that prove it) and always was there for doing those jokes and for being a kid, with his own feelings and likes without being pressured for any society at all. Truman, you can be whatever you want in this life, you just need to believe it and work hard, but never grow up, you have a beautiful essence inside.
Savannah, my sweet and not so sweet Savannah, the princess that faurts and laugh at the same time, never stop laughing is the best of you. I know if you really try hard you are going to be a perfect ballerina, I also hope dance treats you better than me and never forget to do everything with passion, specially dance, that is what going to make you success.
Jojo, thank you for being there, for being the first baby I hold without crying, for being smiling, and be honest, for do everything with pacience and yelling at me. I really hope you start telling words soon, that is going to be so exciting, sad for me I am not going to see it:(
Sydney, you are like my little best friend, I really hope you never forget me and our friendship. You can do whatever you want because you are smart and intelligent, but the most important thing you are loyal and kind, as I said to one of my best friends in Spain, you are the kind of people we need in the world and I am so glad for being your big sister for a while.
And finally Michael and Jenn, thank you for let me visit your house and let me be myself, thank you for being an american family that dont support Trump policy neither, for being opened-mind and nice, which is one of the most important thing. I really hoped that with people like you, your country will become better, right now all the countries in the world are not in the best mood as you can see and thank you for being comprenhesive and listen, whichis the best action you can do to understand, I already have listened and learnt a lot from both of you. I feel I could never make those months come back to my life again, not because I canot travel to the future, just because I canot learnt again all those things that you learnt once in life of how I think.
Jenn, thank you for accpet me and being like the coolest host mum, the one that fangirls with me about Stranger Things and the one who eats Walmart Ice Cream while we watched whatever show we decided. I will miss you and I really hope one day you can come to visit me to my country, I am sure you will love it, at least you could meet my family and friends which I miss so much and the city I have lived almost my entire life in.
i really loved so much for everything you have done, thank you
and you will always be part of my family, as you said i will
always keep you in my heart now and forever.
One day, not so long away, Sydney told me you were going to move, I told her I already know and she answered me "that means we have to count each moment". That phrase was in my mind and has been for the past few months, I really love how kids have the truth in their minds and how almost everytime we don't let them say it out loud. I really aprecciate your company during these months, you have the best host family I could ever asked for, you taugh me some kind of things you cannot learnt when you want, I learnt how having a family sometimes means just to be toguether for each one, how coming from school and having someone that talks you is pretty important, I hope you would never changed these things. Truman, my angry boy that keeps a big smile behind (I have photos that prove it) and always was there for doing those jokes and for being a kid, with his own feelings and likes without being pressured for any society at all. Truman, you can be whatever you want in this life, you just need to believe it and work hard, but never grow up, you have a beautiful essence inside.
Savannah, my sweet and not so sweet Savannah, the princess that faurts and laugh at the same time, never stop laughing is the best of you. I know if you really try hard you are going to be a perfect ballerina, I also hope dance treats you better than me and never forget to do everything with passion, specially dance, that is what going to make you success.
Jojo, thank you for being there, for being the first baby I hold without crying, for being smiling, and be honest, for do everything with pacience and yelling at me. I really hope you start telling words soon, that is going to be so exciting, sad for me I am not going to see it:(
Sydney, you are like my little best friend, I really hope you never forget me and our friendship. You can do whatever you want because you are smart and intelligent, but the most important thing you are loyal and kind, as I said to one of my best friends in Spain, you are the kind of people we need in the world and I am so glad for being your big sister for a while.
And finally Michael and Jenn, thank you for let me visit your house and let me be myself, thank you for being an american family that dont support Trump policy neither, for being opened-mind and nice, which is one of the most important thing. I really hoped that with people like you, your country will become better, right now all the countries in the world are not in the best mood as you can see and thank you for being comprenhesive and listen, whichis the best action you can do to understand, I already have listened and learnt a lot from both of you. I feel I could never make those months come back to my life again, not because I canot travel to the future, just because I canot learnt again all those things that you learnt once in life of how I think.
Jenn, thank you for accpet me and being like the coolest host mum, the one that fangirls with me about Stranger Things and the one who eats Walmart Ice Cream while we watched whatever show we decided. I will miss you and I really hope one day you can come to visit me to my country, I am sure you will love it, at least you could meet my family and friends which I miss so much and the city I have lived almost my entire life in.
i really loved so much for everything you have done, thank you
and you will always be part of my family, as you said i will
always keep you in my heart now and forever.
viernes, 5 de enero de 2018
El primer paso para empezar a cultivarte interiormente es la lectura, como he echado de menos no tener un libro entre mis manos durante estas vacaciones. Vamos a empezar el año leyendo un buen libro, un libro que pueda vitalizar o dar vida a mi alma.
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